Photo Credit: Photo Credit: FRIED ELLIOTT /

1964 North American Championship - Galveston Bay, TX, USA

1964 North American Championship - Galveston Bay, TX, USA

Regatta Report
All preparations for the 1964 North American Championship were carried out ably and efficiently by the Galveston Bay Fleet and the Houseton Yacht Club. Facilities were first rate, lines and courses excellent, and the breezes blew (sometimes very hard) for the six days of the regatta, sailed in a large but sheltered area some three miles from the anchorage. There were no headlands or obstructions except a few shrimp boats, and even they stood clear of the course by request after the first two days.

In short, there were all the makings of a noteworthy regatta, except contestants. A combination of circumstances involving the large number of competing events, including the U.S. final Olympic trials and the great trailing distance for most fleets to Houston, held the entry list down to a mere twelve. The few who were there had fine racing among themselves but regretted that such good conditions were lost to so many who couldn't make it.

The winner was Blitzkrieg, sailed by Buddy Friedrichs and Craig Nelson, the same combination that had finished runner-up in a fleet of 62 at the Rye North American's the year before. Friedrichs later went on to win "the other" North American series for the men's sailing championship, symbolized by the Mallory Trophy.



Place	No.	Name		Skipper		Crew		Fleet	Daily Places		Pts.

 1	4541	Blitzkrieg	G. Friedrichs	Craig Nelson	NOG	 2   4   1   1   3	54

 2	3940	Flame		Stanley Ogilvy	Peter Levinson	WLIS	 4   1   3   3   2	52

 3	4002	Urchin		Buzz Killeen	Alfred Brown	NOG	 3   5   2   5   1	49

 4	4877	Chandelle	Cal Hadden	Daniel Egan	NOG	 1   2   4   2  11	45

 5	4883	G.D.B.		Kim Fletcher	Don Davis	Mis	 5   8   8   7   7	30

 6	2914	Touche		Joseph Arns	William Mills	MoB	10   6   6  dsa  4	26

 7	4819	Patriot III	J. B. Thompson	Joseph Huggins	GBT	 6   7   5  dsa  9	25

 8	4549	Smook		George Brothers	David True	MoB	 9  10  dbf  6   5	22

 9	3650	Tee Pee		William Repass 	L. Westerlund	GBT	 7  12  wdr  4  10	19

10	3550	Fjord Star	Geo. Mejlacader	Mrs. Mejlacader	GBT	11   9   7  dns  8	17

11	3710	Thunderbird	Geo. Criminale	John Wilbanks	MoB	12  11  dns  8   6	15

12	3974	Virgo		Charles Owens	John Miller	CB	 8   3  dsa dns dns	15

buddy friedrichs craig nelson north american championship